complete each statement. (round to the nearest hundreth).

7L= ------ qt

To solve for the missing value of the statement 7L = ------ qt, we need to use the conversion factor between liters and quarts.

The conversion factor between liters and quarts is 1 liter = 1.05668821 quarts (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

So, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the conversion factor to get:
7L = 1.05668821 qt

To find the value of L, we need to isolate L on one side of the equation. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by 7:
7L/7 = 1.05668821 qt/7

Simplifying the equation gives us:
L = 0.15095546 qt

Now, let's round this value to the nearest hundredth:
L ≈ 0.15 qt (rounded to the nearest hundredth)