i take specialty art and i need to know this one thing for this report:how do u define beauty?

Here are a number of defintions.



Well, you might take a page from Gustavo Aldolfo Bécquer (1836-1870) adapting his poem ¿Qué es poesía?

¿Qué es belleza? --dices mientras clavas
en mi pupila tu pupila azul.
¿Qué es belleza? ¿Y tú me lo preguntas?
Belleza... eres tú.

What is beauty? --you say while you fix
on my pupil your blue pupil.
What is beauty? And you ask it of me?
Beauty... you are. (OR "It is you.")


Defining beauty is a subjective and philosophical concept that varies from person to person. However, I can provide you with some general approaches to help you develop your own understanding of beauty.

1. Historical and cultural context: Beauty standards have evolved over time and vary across different cultures and societies. Exploring the historical and cultural perspectives can help you understand the influence of these factors on the concept of beauty.

2. Philosophical theories: Many philosophers have attempted to define beauty through various theories. For example, Plato's theory of Forms suggests that beauty is an abstract and idealized concept that exists independently of physical objects. Other philosophers, such as Immanuel Kant, focus on the subjective perception of beauty and argue that it lies in the aesthetic experience of an individual.

3. Aesthetic principles: Studying the principles of aesthetics can provide insights into the factors that contribute to the perception of beauty. These principles include concepts like symmetry, harmony, balance, and proportion, which are often associated with beauty in art and nature.

4. Subjective interpretation: Remember that beauty is ultimately a subjective experience, and individuals may have their own unique interpretations. Engage in personal reflection and introspection to identify what you find beautiful and why.

To write your report, you can compile different perspectives, theories, and examples of beauty from diverse sources such as art history books, scholarly articles, philosophical texts, and interviews. By incorporating multiple viewpoints, you can present a comprehensive understanding of how beauty can be defined and interpreted.