What light is to greece, space is to Canada. Awareness in almost every direction lie uninhabited land that has shaped the perceptions of artists, defined national character, determined an architecture and established Canadian way of seeing.

Canadian Artists are:

a) preoccupied with their national character
b) influenced by vastness of the country
c) interested in architecture rather than art
d) unfamiliar works of art from other nations.

My choice: B because it explicitly addresses how Canadians are influenced by the space and...inhabitated land. Correct?

b is right

This question is clearer than your previous question. I agree that the best answer is B.

Yes, your choice of B is correct. Canadian artists are indeed influenced by the vastness of their country. The statement you provided mentions that "space is to Canada," indicating that the land and uninhabited areas play a significant role in shaping the perceptions of artists in Canada. This vastness of space and uninhabited land has influenced Canadian artists to incorporate elements of nature, landscapes, and the unique Canadian environment into their works. By being surrounded by such vast and diverse landscapes, Canadian artists have developed a distinct way of seeing and interpreting their surroundings, which has become an integral part of their national character.