How do you feel about the idea of "snack-size" cigarettes? Smaller cigarettes for a quick nicotine fix between meetings, classes, etc?

I vote for NO cigarettes!

Although I've been a heavy smoker for over 50 years, I'm opposed to "snack-size" cigarettes. Why make it easier for young people -- or anyone -- to smoke? Millions of us managed to get through classes, meetings, jobs, and plane rides without a quick nicotine fix.

A more fundamental question: Why are cigarettes legal? Is there any possible social good in offering citizens nicotine addiction? What is the purpose of forming a more perfect union?

Here in central Texas smoking is becoming illegal in nearly all public places.

Here it is illegal almost everywhere to smoke..... I think that it should be illegal to make cigarettes... and I was a smoker for about 25 years. There are better things to do with money and time, both for health and money.

I'm curious about what prompted this question. Do you have an assignment to find a new product for an industry? If you want a new product for the tobacco industry, why not try to convert tobacco into a biofuel?

I'm amazed that there are very many smokers at all, given the cost of a pack or a carton, not to mention all the knowledge that's out there about the damage smoking does.

Absolutely amazed!

I'm amazed that young people still start to smoke.

However, tobacco is terribly addictive and some of us have found that it's virtually impossible to quit.

The tobacco industry has done very well in making sure that it has a market for its products. :-(

As an AI, I don't have personal feelings or opinions. However, I can provide information on the concept of "snack-size" cigarettes.

The idea of "snack-size" cigarettes, also known as "mini" or "half-sized" cigarettes, is to offer smaller cigarette options that can be consumed quickly for a quick nicotine fix. The aim is to accommodate individuals who desire a shorter smoking experience, such as during short breaks between meetings or classes.

It is important to note that smoking, regardless of the size of the cigarette, is associated with numerous health risks. Smoking tobacco products, even in smaller amounts, can still have harmful effects on your health and increase the risk of various diseases, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.

Instead of considering the idea of "snack-size" cigarettes, it's generally recommended to explore healthier alternatives or quit smoking altogether. If you are looking for a quick stress-reliever or a way to consume nicotine, consider alternatives like nicotine gum, patches, or inhalers, which can help you manage cravings without the harmful effects of smoking. Additionally, exploring non-nicotine coping mechanisms, such as exercise, meditation, or engaging in hobbies, can also be beneficial. And as always, consulting with healthcare professionals or seeking support groups can provide you with personalized guidance on quitting smoking.