
all over _______

does it equal


Well, the way you typed it I get

x^2 x^3 y^3
8 x y
x^4 y^2

My high school offered Algebra III as well.

To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

First, let's simplify the numerator:


The exponent of 0 means any number raised to the power of 0 equals 1. So we can simplify this to:


Next, let's simplify the denominator:


Using the rule of exponents, when you have negative exponents, you can move the terms to the opposite side of the fraction and change the sign of the exponent:


Now, let's simplify the entire expression:

[(2^-3)(1)(x^2)] / [1/(x^3)(x)(y^3)(y)]

Multiplying the entire expression by the reciprocal of the denominator:

[(2^-3)(1)(x^2)] * [(x^3)(x)(y^3)(y)/1]

Now, combining like terms and simplifying:


Using the rule of exponents, multiplying the terms with the same base, you add their exponents:

2^-3 means 1 / (2^3) = 1 / 8

Combining all the terms together, we get:

[(1/8)(x^2)(x^3)(x)(y^3)(y)] / 1

Multiplying all the variables together:

(1/8)(x^2)(x^3)(x)(y^3)(y) = x^(2+3+1) * y^(3+1+1) = x^6 * y^5

Finally, substituting the obtained value in the expression:

(x^6 * y^5) / 8y

Therefore, the simplified expression is:

(x^6 * y^5) / 8y