tan=.6524 use a calculator to approximate two value of an angle (0<0<360) that satisfy the equation.

tangent is + in first and third quadrants

angle is 33.12

To approximate two values of an angle that satisfy the equation, you can use inverse trigonometric functions on a calculator. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by calculating the inverse tangent (arctan) of 0.6524. On most calculators, you can find the inverse trigonometric functions by pressing the "2nd" or "shift" button, followed by the corresponding trigonometric function button (e.g., "tan" or "t"). So, press the "2nd" or "shift" button, then the "tan" or "t" button.

2. Enter the value 0.6524, followed by the equals (=) button. The calculator will display the inverse tangent of 0.6524.

3. To find the angle in degrees, make sure your calculator is set to degree mode. You can usually switch between degree and radian mode by pressing a button labeled "Deg" or "Rad". Make sure you're in degree mode.

4. The calculator will display the angle in degrees that satisfies the equation. Let's call this angle A.

5. To find a second angle that satisfies the equation, use the fact that the tangent function has a periodicity of 180 degrees or π radians. So, to find another angle, simply add 180 degrees (or π radians) to angle A.

6. To calculate the second angle, add 180 degrees to angle A and enter the result into the calculator using the same steps as before. Let's call this second angle B.

Now you have two approximate values for an angle (0 < θ < 360) that satisfy the equation tan(θ) = 0.6524. Angle A and angle B are the two values you obtained from the calculations.