emily wants a new dress.she only has $30 to spend.she lives in florida where the sales tax is 5%.about(estimate)how much can the dress cost if she wants to spend all her money? a.30,b.29.50,c.28,d.20 i don't get it

I did this below for you

1.05 x = 30
x = 30/1.05 =28.57
she better spend 28 because 29 will put her over 30

Please see the answers that Damon and I posted for this question.

Pick the closest answer to our answers.

Note that the question says "estimate" which means you need the closest answer.

To estimate the maximum amount Emily can spend on a dress, taking into account the sales tax in Florida, you need to subtract the sales tax from her budget and find the closest option among the given choices.

Step 1: Calculate the sales tax amount
Sales tax is 5% of the purchase price. To find the sales tax amount, multiply the budget by the sales tax rate:
Sales tax amount = $30 * 5% = $30 * 0.05 = $1.50

Step 2: Subtract the sales tax from the budget
Subtract the sales tax amount from Emily's budget to find the maximum cost of the dress:
Maximum cost = Budget - Sales tax amount = $30 - $1.50 = $28.50

Step 3: Identify the closest option from the given choices
Among the given choices, the closest option to the maximum cost calculated in Step 2 is option B: $29.50.

Therefore, Emily can estimate that the dress can cost around $29.50, considering the sales tax and her budget.