emily wants a new dress.she only has $30 to spend.she lives in florida where the sales tax is 5%.about(estimate)how much can the dress cost if she wants to spend all her money? $29.50 right

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To calculate the cost of the dress that Emily can afford, we need to take into account the sales tax rate. Here are the steps to calculate it:

Step 1: Subtract the sales tax from 100%. If the sales tax is 5%, then (100% - 5%) = 95%.

Step 2: Convert the available amount by dividing it by the result from step 1. $30 / (95%) ≈ $31.58.

Therefore, if Emily wants to spend all her money, the dress can cost approximately $31.58. Since $29.50 is less than $31.58, she can afford a dress that costs $29.50 or less.