how do you tell time?

Such a broad question! Could you please be a little more specific so that I can better focus while I assist you?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. First of all, divide the clock in half! Up to the half hour it's with "y" = and but after the half-hour you go to the next hour and use "menos" = minus.

It's one o'clock = Es la una.
It's two o'clock = Son las dos.
It's 3:15 = Son las tres y cuarto.
It's 4:30 = Son las cuatro y media. (note media is feminine because la hora is feminine)
It's 5:35 = Son las seis menos veinticinco.
It's 6:45 = Son las siete menos el cuarto.

It's 12 noon = Es el mediodía.
It's 12 midnight = Es la medianoche.

If you have any further questions, please post them.


To tell time, you can follow these steps:

1. Look for a clock or watch: The most common way to tell time is by using a clock or watch. These devices have minute and hour hands or digital displays that show the current time.

2. Identify the hour hand: On analog clocks, the shorter hand typically indicates the hour. Look for the hand that moves slower than the others.

3. Observe the minute hand: Analog clocks have a longer hand that rotates around the clock's face more quickly. This hand represents the minutes.

4. Read the time: Determine the hour by looking at the number nearest to the hour hand. If the hour hand is between two numbers, estimate the nearest hour. Then, note the position of the minute hand for the minutes.

5. Account for the second hand (optional): If the clock or watch has a second hand, it indicates the seconds. This can be useful for precise timekeeping, but it is not essential for casual time-telling.

Additionally, you can tell time using digital devices such as smartphones, computers, or digital clocks, where the time is usually displayed numerically. These devices typically show the hour and minute separated by a colon, and sometimes also show the seconds.

Remember that it's important to ensure that the clock or watch is set correctly and adjusted for any time zone differences to accurately tell the time.