Which one of the following example illustrates a comma splice?

A.Swimming is great exercise,but I prefer riding my bicycle.
B.I saw fish,frogs,turtles,and tadpoles
at the lake.
C.Fishing for trout,and frying them on a
camp fire.
D.Don'tgo over before noon, I won't be there.


D is correct. Avoid comma splices (except in poems).

Yes, that is correct. The example D, "Don't go over before noon, I won't be there," illustrates a comma splice. A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses (complete sentences) are joined together with only a comma, which is grammatically incorrect. In this example, "Don't go over before noon" and "I won't be there" are two independent clauses joined by a comma, without any coordinating conjunction (e.g., and, but, or) or appropriate punctuation (e.g., a semicolon or period) to separate them. To correct this sentence, you can either use a coordinating conjunction like "or" to join the clauses, or you can separate them into two separate sentences.