The term free writing refers to

Free Writing Definition of free writing. ... Free writing is a simple process that is the basis for other discovery techniques. Basic free writing follows these ...

Free-Writing Many writers use free-writing to get started on a piece of work. This page explains how free-writing works and shows how to use your computer to do it. ...

The term "free writing" refers to a writing technique where you write continuously and without any restrictions or limitations. It is an exercise focused on generating ideas and creativity without worrying about grammar, spelling, punctuation, or even logical coherence.

To engage in free writing, you can follow these steps:

1. Set aside a specific amount of time, typically 10-15 minutes, to dedicate solely to free writing.
2. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without interruptions.
3. Start writing without any preconceived ideas or plans. Let the words flow freely without censoring yourself or worrying about making sense.
4. Write quickly and continuously without pausing to correct mistakes or think too much about what you're writing.
5. If you get stuck or run out of ideas, simply write down whatever comes to mind, even if it seems nonsensical.
6. Keep writing until the time is up, even if you feel you have nothing more to say.
7. Once you've finished your free writing session, you can review what you've written and extract any relevant ideas or insights that may have emerged.

Free writing is often used as a warm-up exercise to overcome writer's block, stimulate creativity, or brainstorm ideas. It allows you to bypass your inner critic and tap into your subconscious mind, which can lead to unexpected and fresh perspectives.