If a product has 200 calories per serving and 100 calories from fat, then what is the percent of calories from fat? Would it be 100% or 50% ?

100/200 = 1/2 = 0.50 = 50%

To calculate the percentage of calories from fat, you need to divide the number of calories from fat by the total number of calories and then multiply by 100.

In this case, the product has 200 calories per serving and 100 calories from fat:

Percentage of calories from fat = (Calories from fat / Total calories) × 100

Calories from fat = 100
Total calories = 200

Percentage of calories from fat = (100 / 200) × 100 = 50%

Therefore, the percentage of calories from fat in this product is 50%.

To determine the percent of calories from fat in a product, you need to calculate the fraction of calories that come from fat and then convert it to a percentage.

In this case, the product has 200 calories per serving, with 100 calories coming from fat. To find the fraction of calories from fat, divide the calories from fat by the total calories:

Fraction of calories from fat = (Calories from fat) / (Total calories)
= 100 / 200
= 0.5

To convert this fraction to a percentage, multiply it by 100:

Percentage of calories from fat = (Fraction of calories from fat) × 100
= 0.5 × 100
= 50%

Therefore, the product provides 50% of its calories from fat, not 100%.