Please give me poems that are examples of foregrounding...

Check out the poems e.e. cummings.

Check out these two sites for suggestions

To find poems that are examples of foregrounding, we need to understand what foregrounding means in the context of poetry. Foregrounding is a literary technique where certain elements of language or poetic form are deliberately placed in the spotlight, drawing attention to them and deviating from the ordinary or expected use of language.

To search for poems that exhibit foregrounding, you can try the following approach:

1. Identify key poetic elements emphasizing foregrounding: These may include unusual word choices, unexpected syntax, creative play with sound patterns, or disrupted sentence structures.

2. Choose a poetry anthology or collection: Selecting a reputable poetry collection can help narrow down your search and increase the chances of finding poems that showcase foregrounding. Some well-known anthologies include "The Norton Anthology of Poetry" or "The Penguin Anthology of Twentieth-Century American Poetry."

3. Utilize online poetry databases: Websites like Poetry Foundation ( or have extensive databases where you can search for poems by various criteria, including specific poetic techniques. Use their advanced search options to filter for foregrounding-related terms or techniques.

4. Use relevant search queries: Search engines can also be helpful in finding poems related to foregrounding. You can use phrases like "poems with foregrounding examples" or "forefronting in poetry" to narrow down your results.

While I cannot provide specific poems here, employing these strategies should lead you to poems that effectively exemplify foregrounding in their use of language, form, or other poetic elements.