The Excel file contains a WBS for a proposal to implement a PMO. Convert the WBS into a project plan.

WBS for PMO Quick Start-Up
Effort and Schedule (Estimates and Actual) Tasks to be Performed
Actual Hours Estimated Hours Actual (Week-wise) Plan (Week-wise) Tasks Task Description

0 30 1 1 Phase I - Conceptual Design of PMO
0 10 1 1.1 Business case
0 20 1 1.2 Business process reengineering
0 50 2 2 Phase II - Analysis of PMO
0 25 2 2.1 PMO Requirements definition
0 25 2 2.2 PMO Functional design
0 40 3 3 Phase III - Detailed Design of PMO
0 20 3 3.1 Structured walk-through of PMO
0 20 3 3.2 Test and validation of PMO approach
0 40 4 4 Phase IV - PMO Implementation
0 20 4 4.1 PMO pilot
0 20 4 4.2 PMO roll-out
0 0 1 - 4 5 Project Management
0 0 2 - 4 6 Quality Assurance
0 160 4 Total 16000

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Many organizations have established policies to remedy discrimination when hiring women and minorities. Discuss whether you feel that affirmative action programs, reverse discrimination, and criteria of comparable worth are appropriate forms of remedy.

To convert the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) into a project plan, you need to organize the tasks and allocate them to specific timeframes. Here's how you can convert the given WBS into a project plan:

Step 1: Identify the project phases and sub-phases:
- Based on the WBS, you can see that there are four main phases: Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV. Each phase has several sub-phases, such as business case, business process reengineering, PMO requirements definition, PMO functional design, etc.

Step 2: Determine the task dependencies and sequence:
- Analyze the WBS and identify any dependencies between tasks. For example, Phase I tasks should be completed before Phase II tasks can begin.

Step 3: Define the project timeline:
- Assign a timeframe to each task by referring to the "Plan (Week-wise)" column of the WBS. You can see that each task has a corresponding week number assigned to it.

Step 4: Allocate resources:
- Determine the estimated hours for each task, as provided in the "Estimated Hours" column. This will help you allocate resources and plan for the required efforts.

Step 5: Create a project schedule:
- Based on the defined timeline and allocated resources, create a project schedule that includes start and end dates for each task. You can use project management software like Microsoft Project or manually create a Gantt chart in Excel.

Step 6: Include project management and quality assurance tasks:
- In the given WBS, you can see that there are two additional tasks at the end: Project Management and Quality Assurance. These tasks should be included in the project plan as well.

By following these steps, you can convert the WBS into a project plan that includes the tasks, their timeline, resource allocation, and any dependencies.