Provide a one sentence

description of typical precipitation and temperature for summer and winter. Use

terms such as cool, cold, warm, hot, dry, and wet. Then, identify the characteristics of a

plant and animal that is seen regularly in your region. How do the characteristics relate to

the amount of rain or sunlight in your region? When responding to your classmates,(Brooklyn,NY)

explain how the traits of your plant or animal may or may not be adaptable to their biome

In Brooklyn, NY, the typical precipitation for summer is warm and wet, while for winter it is cool to cold and dry. The temperature for summer is generally warm to hot, while for winter it is cool to cold.

A plant that is commonly seen in Brooklyn is the Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis). It has heart-shaped leaves and produces pink flowers in the spring. An animal that is regularly seen in Brooklyn is the Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), with its bushy tail and ability to climb trees.

The characteristics of the Eastern Redbud and Gray Squirrel are adaptable to the amount of rain and sunlight in Brooklyn. The Eastern Redbud is a deciduous tree that can tolerate a range of sunlight levels, making it adaptable to both sunny and shady areas in the region. It also benefits from the higher rainfall in the warm months, providing the necessary water for growth and flowering.

Similarly, the Gray Squirrel has adaptations that allow it to thrive in Brooklyn's climate. Its bushy tail helps with balance and insulation, allowing it to navigate tree branches and adapt to colder temperatures in winter. It also benefits from the abundance of food resources, such as acorns and other tree nuts, that are more readily available in the region due to the presence of trees.

When comparing the traits of the Eastern Redbud and Gray Squirrel to another biome, such as a desert biome, they may not be as adaptable. In a desert biome with limited water availability and extreme temperature fluctuations, these species may struggle to find sufficient water and food resources, as well as cope with the heat. Therefore, their characteristics are specific to the unique climate and ecosystem of Brooklyn, NY.