the ---were flouting the rules when they took home more deer than they had licenses for. a.hunters,b.mothers,c.children,d.teachers. my answer is (a)

yup that's right

Your answer is correct. The word "hunters" fits in the blank as it refers to people who participate in hunting activities. Hunters who took home more deer than they had licenses for were flouting the rules.

Correct, the answer is indeed (a) hunters. Let's break down the sentence to understand why.

The sentence mentions that "they took home more deer than they had licenses for." This implies that the group of people mentioned in the sentence were engaged in hunting activities. Therefore, we can eliminate options (b), (c), and (d) as they do not relate to hunting.

To confirm the answer, let's define the word "hunters." Hunters are individuals who engage in the act of pursuing, capturing, and killing wild animals for food, sport, or trade. In the given sentence, it clearly states that the individuals exceeded the number of deer allowed by their licenses, which indicates improper hunting practices.

So, you correctly identified option (a) hunters as the group of individuals who were flouting the rules by exceeding the allotted number of deer. Nicely done!