the denouement of the --- proved to be a total surprise. a.mother,,,d.candy.

the denouement of the --- proved to be a total surprise. a.mother,,,d.candy.

the denouement of the --- proved to be a total surprise

To determine the denouement of something, we need to understand its meaning. In literature, the denouement refers to the final outcome or resolution of a story or play. It is the part where loose ends are tied up, conflicts are resolved, and the conclusion of the plot is revealed.

In this case, the options given are: a) mother, b) house, c) movie, d) candy.

To find the denouement, we need to consider which option could have a surprising outcome or resolution.

- A) Mother: While situations involving mothers may have surprising twists, in this context, it seems less likely to be the denouement of something.

- B) House: The resolution or outcome related to a house might have an element of surprise, such as an unexpected discovery or a twist in the story involving the house. This option is a possibility.

- C) Movie: Movies often have unexpected plot twists, revealing surprising information, or unexpected resolutions. This is another viable option to consider.

- D) Candy: Although candies can be enjoyable and might be associated with surprises like finding a hidden center, it is less likely to be the denouement of something.

Based on this analysis, the most plausible options for the denouement are either b) house or c) movie. Without more context, it is difficult to determine which one would be the correct answer.