Should Special Needs Students Be Exempt from Graduation Tests?

Special needs students have a huge variety of specific needs. Some have emotional or physical problems. Some have learning problems in only one academic area. Some have learning problems in all academic areas.

It would be unfair to exempt all special needs students from graduation tests. Their Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) should determine whether a student should be exempt from this kind of exam -- and in which areas.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with information on this topic.

The question of whether or not special needs students should be exempt from graduation tests is a complex and highly debated issue. It ultimately depends on various factors, including the educational system, the nature and severity of the students' disabilities, and the goals and expectations for graduation.

Some argue that exempting special needs students from graduation tests is necessary to ensure equal opportunities for all students. They believe that these exams might not accurately measure the abilities and progress of students with disabilities, thus potentially putting them at a disadvantage. These individuals argue that alternative assessments or modified standards should be considered to accommodate the diverse learning needs of these students.

On the other hand, proponents of graduation tests argue that they serve as an important standard for academic achievement, ensuring that students possess the necessary knowledge and skills to move forward in life. They believe that exempting students with special needs could lower the educational standards and devalue diplomas for all students. They advocate for providing appropriate accommodations and support to help these students meet the requirements.

To form an informed opinion on this matter, it's essential to consider the perspectives and experiences of special needs students, parents, educators, policymakers, and experts in the field of special education. It is crucial to strike a balance between ensuring equal opportunities for all students, while also maintaining reasonable academic standards.