Describe how a person moves through each of the five stages of Levinger's ABC's of relationships model. As you write your description, include answers to the following questions; What do you think people look for in the attrction stage? How do people work on building a relationship? What are some positive factors which foster the continuation of a relationship? What steps can a ccouple take to avoid the deterioration phase?

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We will be more than happy to comment, make suggestions, or structural corrections after you have done the writing. I am sure that you have discussed this model in class, but if you need further information, put Levinger's relationships model into the search at Google. Lots of info there.

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if you look in the assigned reading for the chapter you will find the answers to these questions Axia college student.

Levinger's ABC's of relationships model describes the progression of a relationship through five stages: attraction, building, continuation, deterioration, and ending. Let's go through each stage and address the questions along the way.

1. Attraction stage: In this stage, people are drawn to each other based on physical appearance, shared interests, common values, or similar personality traits. Attraction can also include factors like charisma, confidence, and a sense of humor. People may look for qualities that they find appealing and make them feel a connection with the other person.

2. Building stage: Once a mutual attraction is established, individuals begin to build a relationship. This involves getting to know each other better through open communication, spending time together, sharing experiences, and discovering common goals and values. People work on building trust and emotional intimacy during this stage. Active listening, empathy, and respect are essential in effective communication and fostering a deep connection.

3. Continuation stage: Positive factors that foster the continuation of a relationship include commitment, dedication, and shared goals. Couples in this stage often deepen their emotional bond, establish a sense of partnership, and invest in the relationship for the long term. Mutual support, understanding, and compromise are key to maintaining a healthy and thriving relationship.

4. Deterioration stage: The deterioration stage involves challenges and conflicts that may arise in a relationship. Some factors that contribute to deterioration include communication breakdown, lack of trust, growing apart, or unresolved conflicts. To avoid this stage, couples can regularly engage in open and honest communication, resolve conflicts through active problem-solving, seek professional help when needed, and prioritize maintaining emotional connection and intimacy.

5. Ending stage: Unfortunately, not all relationships are meant to last. In this stage, individuals may choose to end the relationship due to irreconcilable differences, relationship dissatisfaction, or personal growth and change. It's important to approach the ending stage with respect, empathy, and understanding, allowing both individuals to transition to a new phase in their lives.

Remember, every relationship is unique, and the progression through these stages can vary. Communication, understanding, and adaptability are crucial for navigating these stages successfully and nurturing a healthy and fulfilling relationship.