write the following as a common fraction or mixed number in it's lowest term 6.38

6/38 = 3/19

My eyes played a trick on me, and I misread the number.

It's 6.38 (not 6:38).

6.38 = 6 38/100 = 6 19/50

To express 6.38 as a common fraction or mixed number in its lowest terms, we need to convert the decimal part (0.38) into a fraction.

Step 1: Write down the whole number part, which is 6.

Step 2: Recognize that the decimal part, 0.38, can be written as 38/100. The denominator is 100 because there are two decimal places.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction 38/100. To do this, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 2 in this case.

Dividing 38 by 2 gives us 19, and dividing 100 by 2 gives us 50. So, 38/100 can be simplified as 19/50.

Step 4: Combine the whole number and the fraction. In this case, we have 6 whole units and 19/50.

Therefore, 6.38 as a common fraction or mixed number in its lowest terms is 6 19/50.