I'd like to get the script of the musical "Singing in the rain".

Would you let me know how?


All I did was to go to www.google.com and enter "singing in the rain" script (including the quotation marks).

If you need help learning how to search, including how to choose good search terms, go here and scroll down to the links under HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET:

Just a bit of trivia since you have seen the movie. I met Gene Kelly outside of Phila, Pa during World War II when he was recovering from an injury. He was a wonderful man, not to mention actor.

Of course! To obtain the script for the musical "Singin' in the Rain," here's what you can do:

1. Search for the Script Online: Start by conducting a web search for "Singin' in the Rain script." The results will likely include websites that provide scripts for various plays and musicals. Browse through these websites, looking for one that offers the script you are looking for. Keep in mind that some websites may require you to purchase or download the script.

2. Check Online Marketplaces: Websites like Amazon, eBay, and other online marketplaces often have listings for scripts and librettos. Use the search function on these platforms and enter "Singin' in the Rain script" to see if any options are available for purchase. Make sure to check both new and used options if available.

3. Visit Local Libraries or Bookstores: Some libraries may have a collection of scripts that you can borrow or photocopy. Check with libraries in your area to see if they have a copy of the script for "Singin' in the Rain." Additionally, check local bookstores that specialize in performing arts, as they may carry scripts for popular musicals.

4. Contact Licensing Agencies: You can reach out to licensing agencies that handle the rights for "Singin' in the Rain" and inquire about purchasing or obtaining the script. These agencies may have specific guidelines and fees for script requests, so be sure to inquire about the process and any associated costs.

Remember, when accessing and using scripts, make sure you adhere to copyright laws and obtain necessary permissions if planning to use the script for performances or public readings.