
this is a circle graph of 400 people were asked to identify th TV channel they watch the evening News.

1.how many people preferred WCLM?
2.how many more people preferred WWCN then WANR
3.ratio express the # people who preferred WANR to WCLM

what i think
1.24 or 96 preferre WCLM
2.76 preferre wwcn then warn
3. im not sure 11:12 or 46:100 or 23:100 or 3:50. i thiink its 11:12

Your first two answers are right. :-)

3. Right.
88 people prefer WANR
96 people prefer WCLM

The ratio is 88:96 = 11:12

24% of the people preferred WCLM.

0.24 * 400 = 96 people

Write 1,386 as a product of it factor

A. 2×3×3×7×11
B. 2×3×231
C. 2×3×7×33
D. 2×693

are u dumb

To answer the questions, we need to calculate the values based on the given percentages. Here's how to find the answers:

1. To calculate how many people preferred WCLM, we need to find the percentage in terms of the total number of people:

WCLM percentage = 24%
Total number of people = 400

Number of people who preferred WCLM = (WCLM percentage/100) * Total number of people
Number of people who preferred WCLM = (24/100) * 400 = 96

Therefore, 96 people preferred WCLM.

2. To determine how many more people preferred WWCN than WANR, we need to calculate the difference between their percentages in terms of the total number of people:

WWCN percentage = 41%
WANR percentage = 22%
Total number of people = 400

Number of people who preferred WWCN = (WWCN percentage/100) * Total number of people
Number of people who preferred WWCN = (41/100) * 400 = 164

Number of people who preferred WANR = (WANR percentage/100) * Total number of people
Number of people who preferred WANR = (22/100) * 400 = 88

Difference = Number of people who preferred WWCN - Number of people who preferred WANR
Difference = 164 - 88 = 76

Therefore, 76 more people preferred WWCN than WANR.

3. To find the ratio expressing the number of people who preferred WANR to WCLM, we need to divide the number of people who preferred WANR by the number of people who preferred WCLM:

Number of people who preferred WANR = 88
Number of people who preferred WCLM = 96

Ratio = Number of people who preferred WANR:Number of people who preferred WCLM
Ratio = 88:96

Therefore, the ratio expressing the number of people who preferred WANR to WCLM is 88:96, which can be simplified to 11:12.


this is a circle graph of 400 people were asked to identify th TV channel they watch the evening News.

1.how many people preferred WCLM?
im not sure is it 24 or 96.