a jet engine moves along an expiremental track (which we call the x axis) we will treat the engine as if it were a particle. its position as a function of time is given by the equation x=At²+B, where capitol A = 2.10m/s² + B=2.80m.

-determine the displacement of the engine during the time interval from t1 = 3.00s to t2 = 5.00s

any help is good thanx

Just plug in t = 3, 4 and 5 seconds into the equation

x = 2.10 t^2 + 2.80
and compute x for each value.

They may expect you to fill out a table with more t values or draw a graph. Is that all there is to the problem?

nope that's all there is for this question.....how exactly do you compute x for each value??

Use the formula you were given.

To determine the displacement of the engine during the time interval from t1 = 3.00s to t2 = 5.00s, we need to calculate the difference between its positions at those two times.

x = At² + B

First, we need to find the positions at t1 and t2 using the equation above.

At t1 = 3.00s:
x1 = A(3.00s)² + B

At t2 = 5.00s:
x2 = A(5.00s)² + B

To calculate these positions, we need to find the values of A and B. The values for A and B are given in the problem statement as A = 2.10 m/s² and B = 2.80 m.

Substituting these values in:

At t1 = 3.00s:
x1 = (2.10 m/s²)(3.00s)² + 2.80m

At t2 = 5.00s:
x2 = (2.10 m/s²)(5.00s)² + 2.80m

Now, we can calculate x1 and x2:
x1 = (2.10 m/s²)(9.00s²) + 2.80m
x1 = 18.90 m + 2.80m
x1 = 21.70m

x2 = (2.10 m/s²)(25.00s²) + 2.80m
x2 = 52.50 m + 2.80m
x2 = 55.30m

Finally, to determine the displacement between t1 and t2, we subtract x1 from x2:

Displacement = x2 - x1
Displacement = 55.30m - 21.70m
Displacement = 33.60m

Therefore, the displacement of the engine during the time interval from t1 = 3.00s to t2 = 5.00s is 33.60 meters.