just from looking at the verb, is there a way to determine what conjugation it is in?

Yes, there are ways to determine the conjugation of a verb just by looking at it. In many languages, including English, verbs can be classified into different conjugation patterns or groups based on their endings or changes in their base form. Here's a general approach to identifying the conjugation of a verb:

1. Identify the base form of the verb: The base form is the infinitive form of the verb without any additional endings. For example, in English, the base form of verbs is usually the form that starts with "to," such as "to eat," "to go," or "to play."

2. Analyze the ending: In some languages, such as Spanish or Italian, the ending of a verb can provide clues about its conjugation. For instance, in Spanish, -ar, -er, and -ir are common verb endings that belong to different conjugation groups. Similarly, in Italian, -are, -ere, and -ire are endings associated with different conjugation patterns.

3. Consult verb tables or conjugation charts: Once you have identified the base form and analyzed the ending, you can refer to verb tables or conjugation charts specific to the language you are studying. These resources outline the different conjugations for each verb group or pattern, showing how the verb endings change depending on factors such as tense, mood, or subject.

By following these steps and utilizing available resources, you can determine the conjugation of a verb just from its form. Keep in mind that the rules and patterns may vary between languages, so it's essential to study the specific conjugation rules of the language you are working with.