Someone please help me with this

The equation y=-1777x+27,153 can be used to predict the number y of gun deaths in the United states x years after 2000.That is x= 0 corresponds to the year 2000. x=3 corresponds top 2003x=6 corresponds to 2006 and son on. Predict the number of gun deaths in 2006 and 2009.In what year will the number of gun deaths be 9383?

Use the equation you were given. y is the number of gun deaths. For 2006, use x = 6. For 2009, use x = 9.

To solve the last part, solve
9383 = 27153 - 1777 x to get x. You should get x = 10

Add x to 2000 to get the year.

There is no reason to expect past performance (represented the equation) to represent the future, but that is what they want you to do here. Gun deaths will probably start rising again.

To predict the number of gun deaths in a specific year, you can substitute the value of x into the equation y = -1777x + 27153.

1) To predict the number of gun deaths in 2006 (x = 6):
Substitute x = 6 into the equation:
y = -1777(6) + 27153
y = -10662 + 27153
y = 16491
Therefore, the predicted number of gun deaths in 2006 is 16,491.

2) To predict the number of gun deaths in 2009 (x = 9):
Substitute x = 9 into the equation:
y = -1777(9) + 27153
y = -15993 + 27153
y = 11160
Therefore, the predicted number of gun deaths in 2009 is 11,160.

3) To determine the year when the number of gun deaths will be 9383 (y = 9383):
Rearrange the equation to solve for x:
y = -1777x + 27153
-1777x = y - 27153
x = (y - 27153) / -1777
Substitute y = 9383 into the equation:
x = (9383 - 27153) / -1777
x ≈ -17770 / -1777
x ≈ 10
Therefore, the year when the number of gun deaths will be 9383 is 2010 (x = 10, since x = 0 corresponds to the year 2000).

Remember, this equation is a prediction based on a linear model and may not perfectly reflect the actual number of gun deaths.