(1) It is an article of faith among some economists that the significant inventions of the contemporary world are the results of the innovative genius of big business organizations. (2) Yet in the United States, the current trend toward corporate mergers has been accompanied by a sharp decline in innovation. (3) The record indeed shows that big organizations are far more resistant to change than small ones are, and for predictable reasons. (4) They are tied to highly specialized operations that would be disrupted even by small changes, and they are guided by bureaucracies that typically favor control over innovation. (5) According to T.K. Quinn, the former chief executive officer of a large finance company, giant corporations do not invent new technology--they buy out the smaller companies and independent inventors who do.


10) Sentence 5 supports the author’s argument primarily by
A) providing a specific example of a corporate merger
B) explaining the effects of new technology
C) questioning the honesty of an opponent
D) citing the opinion of a person experienced in business

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To answer this question, let's carefully analyze sentence 5 and understand how it supports the author's argument.

Sentence 5 states: "According to T.K. Quinn, the former chief executive officer of a large finance company, giant corporations do not invent new technology--they buy out the smaller companies and independent inventors who do."

The main argument of the author is that big business organizations are not the innovative geniuses behind significant inventions in the contemporary world. Sentence 5 supports this argument by citing the opinion of T.K. Quinn, an experienced individual in the business world.

The sentence explains that T.K. Quinn, who was the former CEO of a large finance company, believes that giant corporations do not invent new technology themselves. Instead, they acquire smaller companies and independent inventors who are responsible for the actual invention of new technology.

By using the opinion of a business expert like T.K. Quinn, the sentence reinforces the author's argument that big organizations are not the driving force behind significant inventions and innovation.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is:

D) Citing the opinion of a person experienced in business.