"A hierarchial society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance." - From George Orwell's 1984

My first thought for the meaning of this quote was that a leveled society (low-med-high "class") would only be established by the poor and ignorant people. Is this what the quote generally means? Thanks much for the help!

I think Orwell meant that in a three-tiered society, that the middle class aspires to be in the high and ruling class, thus producing conflict between the two classes. However, the poor and ignorant at the bottom of the heap have no such aspirations and thus are fairly easily ruled by the hierarchy.

The quote from George Orwell's 1984 suggests that a hierarchical society, where there are distinct levels of power and authority, can only be maintained when the majority of the population is impoverished and lacks knowledge. This interpretation aligns with your understanding that a leveled society, with different social classes, would primarily be established by the poor and ignorant individuals.

To analyze this quote more in-depth, we can consider the context of the novel. In 1984, Orwell presents a dystopian society ruled by a totalitarian government known as "The Party." The Party maintains its power by employing tactics such as surveillance, manipulation of information, and suppression of individuality.

One of the ways The Party sustains its hierarchical society is by ensuring that the majority of the population remains in a state of poverty and ignorance. By strictly controlling resources and distributing them unevenly, the Party secures its place at the top of the hierarchy. In this context, poverty acts as a means of exerting control and dependence on the ruling class.

Additionally, by limiting access to knowledge and education, The Party ensures that the citizens lack the critical thinking skills necessary to question and challenge the Party's authority. Ignorance serves to maintain the status quo and prevent social mobility or resistance against the ruling class.

Taken together, Orwell's quote suggests that a hierarchical society can only be sustained when a significant portion of the population lacks economic means and remains uninformed. This serves the interests of those in power, who benefit from the systematic inequality and control over the impoverished and ignorant masses.

It's worth noting that this interpretation of the quote is based on the broader themes and context of Orwell's novel. Different readers may have varying interpretations, but understanding the historical and societal context can help shed light on the intended meaning.