Describe what the graph of interval [-4,10] looks like.

To describe the graph of the interval [-4, 10], we first need to understand what an interval means. An interval is a set of real numbers between two given values, and it includes both of those values.

In this case, the interval [-4, 10] represents all the numbers starting from -4 and going up to 10, including both -4 and 10. So, the graph of this interval would be a line segment on a number line.

To visualize it, you would draw a straight line with an open circle at -4 and a closed circle at 10. The line segment between the two circles represents all the numbers in the interval. The open circle at -4 indicates that -4 is included in the interval but not in the graph itself, while the closed circle at 10 indicates that 10 is included in both the interval and the graph.

In summary, the graph of the interval [-4, 10] is a line segment on a number line, starting at -4 and ending at 10, with an open circle at -4 and a closed circle at 10.