please paraphrases the following paragraphs:

"Whenever we suggested any plan, there was shrinking-the odds were fearful. Our path was beset with the greatest obstacles; and if we succeeded in gaining the end of it, our right to be free was yet questionable-we were yet liable to be returned to bondage."

" From my earliest recollection,I date the entertainment of a deep conviction that slavery would not always be able to hold me within its foul embrace..."

" for what this separation is done, i do not know, unless it be to hinder the development of the child's affection toward its mother, and to blunt and destroy the natural affection of the mother for the child. this is the inevitable result."

1. "Every time we proposed a plan, there was a strong resistance - the chances of success seemed highly unlikely. Our journey was filled with significant challenges; and even if we managed to reach our destination, our freedom was still in doubt - there was still a risk of being returned to slavery."

2. "Since my earliest memories, I have held a firm belief that slavery would not forever hold me in its oppressive grip..."

3. "The reason behind this separation remains unclear, except perhaps to prevent the child from forming a strong bond with its mother and to undermine and destroy the natural affection the mother has for her child. Unfortunately, this is the unavoidable consequence."

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Once you have written your own paraphrases, please repost and someone here will be happy to comment.