Can someone please check to make sure this is correct:

Chère Famille Rosseau,
Merci pour m'inviter rester chez vous!

(should translate to "thank you for inviting me to stay at your house.")

Merci beaucoup!

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Looks good. You could also say: "Je vous remercie pour m'inviter rester chez vous?" (A bit more sophisticated.)


you are perfectly right

Ellie, was that really necessary?

To check the accuracy of a translation, you can use online translation tools or consult language experts or native speakers. In this case, the provided translation is mostly correct, but there are a few minor errors.

The correct translation of the phrase "Chère Famille Rosseau, Merci pour m'inviter rester chez vous!" into English is:

"Dear Rosseau Family, thank you for inviting me to stay at your place!"

Here's the breakdown of the changes made:

1. "thank you for inviting me" - "Merci pour m'inviter" is correctly translated as "thank you for inviting me."
2. "to stay at your house" - "rester chez vous" means "to stay at your place/house." The word "chez" can be used more generally to refer to someone's place, not just their house, so using "place" offers a more accurate translation.

Regarding the change from "house" to "place," it depends on the context of the invitation. If the Rosseau family explicitly mentioned their house, then using "house" would be more appropriate. However, if the invitation was for a broader concept of staying at their place, such as a family vacation home or any other accommodation they have, then using "place" would be more fitting.