I am having trouble finding Appendix 1 so that I can complete my assinment and answer the questions to this artical Controlling Irrational Fears After 9/11

appendix 1 to what? Have you tried the axia library?

there is no appendix needed for this assignment

To find Appendix 1 for the article "Controlling Irrational Fears After 9/11," you can follow the steps below:

1. Start by locating the article itself. Depending on where you found the article (e.g., a website, a journal, etc.), you may have different options to access it. If you have a printed version, make sure to have it on hand.

2. Check the table of contents or index: If you have access to the full text of the article, the table of contents or index can provide you with a good starting point. Look for any mention of appendices or supplementary materials.

3. Look for headings and subheadings: While reading through the article, pay attention to any headings or subheadings. The author might mention the appendix within the body of the article or provide a specific reference to it.

4. Check the end of the article: Often, appendices are placed at the end of an article. Scroll through or flip to the final pages to see if Appendix 1 is included there. You may find it in the form of an additional section or as an attachment.

5. Searching online: If you are accessing the article online, you can try searching for the article's title along with "Appendix 1" using a search engine. This may lead you to sources or websites that provide the complete article along with its appendices.

6. Ask your instructor or librarian: If you are still unable to locate Appendix 1, it's a good idea to consult your instructor, classmates, or even a librarian. They may have access to the article or be able to guide you further in finding it.

Remember, the specific steps may vary depending on the source and format of the article, but these general guidelines should help you in your search for Appendix 1.