Create a table that shows the different elements that are found in an internal proposal

and an external proposal for this training.

What training? What kind of table? We will be happy to help you when we have enough information to know what you need.

Create a table that shows the different elements that are found in an internal proposal and an external proposal for this training.

To create a table comparing the elements found in an internal proposal and an external proposal for a training, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the elements typically found in internal proposals:

- Introduction: State the purpose of the proposal, including background information and the objectives of the training.
- Scope and Objectives: Clearly define the scope of the training program and describe the specific objectives to be achieved.
- Methodology: Outline the approach and methods to be used in delivering the training, such as workshops, online modules, or instructor-led sessions.
- Timeline: Provide a schedule that outlines the key milestones, deliverables, and duration of the training program.
- Resources: Specify the resources required, including budget, personnel, equipment, facilities, and technology.
- Evaluation: Describe the methods used to assess the effectiveness of the training program, such as pre- and post-training assessments or surveys.
- Implementation Plan: Provide a step-by-step plan on how the training program will be executed, including communication with relevant stakeholders.

2. Identify the elements typically found in external proposals:

- Introduction: Begin with a brief overview of the organization or company offering the training services, highlighting relevant experience and expertise.
- Needs Assessment: Conduct an analysis of the training needs to identify the specific areas where the training program will add value.
- Training Program: Describe in detail the content, modules, and activities included in the training program, highlighting the unique features and benefits.
- Customization: Tailor the training program to the specific requirements of the client by highlighting any adaptations or modifications.
- Pricing and Payment: Clearly outline the cost structure, including fees, payment terms, and any additional expenses such as travel or material costs.
- Deliverables: Specify the key deliverables, such as participant manuals, training materials, or post-training reports.
- References or Testimonials: Include references or testimonials from previous clients to showcase the track record and the success of the training programs.

By creating a table with these elements, you can easily compare and contrast the differences between internal and external proposals for a training program.