Under what circumstances would you use a sequential file over a database?

When deciding between using a sequential file or a database, it is important to consider a few key factors: the nature of the data, the required operations, scalability, and performance requirements.

1. Data Nature: Sequential files are typically suitable for storing simple and small amounts of data that require minimal relationships or complex querying. For example, if you have a small collection of simple records, such as a contact list or a log file, where the data does not need to be indexed or queried extensively, a sequential file can be a simpler choice.

2. Operations: If your application primarily involves sequential read and write operations, where the data is read or written from start to end in a linear fashion, a sequential file can be a suitable solution. This is common in scenarios where the data is processed sequentially, such as reading a log file or processing a transaction history.

3. Scalability: Databases provide robust features for managing large and complex datasets. If your data is expected to grow significantly or requires complex querying operations, a database management system (DBMS) can offer benefits such as indexing, data consistency, transaction management, and the ability to handle concurrent access by multiple users.

4. Performance Requirements: Databases are designed for optimized data retrieval, searching, and updating. If your application requires frequent and complex queries, sorting, or searching operations, databases with well-structured data models and indexing capabilities can provide better performance compared to sequential files.

In summary, sequential files are best suited for simple and small-scale applications that involve linear read and write operations and do not require complex querying or extensive scalability. Databases are more appropriate when dealing with large, complex, and dynamic datasets that require efficient searching, indexing, and complex querying operations.