Which of the following is(are) not true about sampling bias

a. Sampling bias is inevitable when conducting a survey
b. Quota sampling is still vulnerable to bias
c. Biased samples may trigger some insights or suggest grounds for a new study but they are not generalizable
d. all of the above

They all look true to me. However, if I had to choose one answer, I'd choose a. The word "inevitable" is a clue because most things are not "inevitable."

I would tend to choose all of above. This (a) is the reason why we calculate alpha and beta error. If a is true, then b must be true. Info from biased samples might indicate possible trends in subgroups that need to be explored (c).

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To determine which of the options is not true about sampling bias, let's evaluate each statement:

a. "Sampling bias is inevitable when conducting a survey": This statement is not true. While sampling bias can occur in some cases, it is not inevitable. Through careful planning and application of sampling techniques, researchers can mitigate the risk of bias and achieve a representative sample.

b. "Quota sampling is still vulnerable to bias": This statement is true. Quota sampling involves dividing the population into groups and selecting a specific number of participants from each group. Although it can be a useful method, quota sampling is vulnerable to bias if the quotas do not accurately represent the characteristics of the population.

c. "Biased samples may trigger some insights or suggest grounds for a new study, but they are not generalizable": This statement is true. Biased samples can provide insights into specific subgroups or contexts, but they cannot be generalized to the broader population. Generalizability requires that the sample be representative, unbiased, and appropriately selected.

Considering the above explanations, the answer is option d. "All of the above" is not true about sampling bias.