Write correct preterite forms of the verbs ir and estar to complete conversatin.

Claudia y yo ______a comprar sellos; _______ en el correo por quince minutos.

Elías _________ a cobrar un cheque; ______ en el banco por veinte minutos.

Irene y Marcos ______ a comprar unos patines nuevos; ____ en la tienda de equipo deportivo por una hora.

Uds. _____ a devolver los libros; _____ en la biblioteca por una hora y media.

Yo________ a comprar jabón; _____ en el supermercado por media hora.

Did I do this right?

OOPS! #3 I meant it must be IR with the "a" after it.

It was too late to also explain to you last night that certain verbs have a different meaning in the Preterit.
estar in the imperfect means "to be" = was
BUT in the preterit it is a synonym for "llegar" = got. estaba allí = he WAS there BUT estuvo allí = he GOT there

Other verbs with special meanings in the preterit:
poder = pudo = he could, managed to but podía = he was able, although you don't know that he actually DID

saber = supo = he found out (concentrating on the first minute he learned)
sabía = he knew

querer = quiso = he intended
quería = he wanted
no quiso (used negatively) = he refused

tener = tuvo = he had, he "got" = the first instant when he "grabbed" it
tenía = he had, was holding in his possession


That looks great to me! Good Job!

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Not quite.

1. good
2. depends upon the speaker but because of the time limit (quince minutos), this looks good
3. Notice the "a" after the verb? That means you do NOT want estar but ser = fue
4. This is like #2. Ordinarily they would both be the imperfect but you certainly can justify the preterit, as the speaker and with the time limit of 20 minutes.
5. good
6. Same as #2 and #4.
7. The subject is Uds. (ustedes) which is 3rd person plural, so it must be fueron
8. This verb must also be 3rd person plural as "Uds." is still the subject = estuvieron (like #2, #4, and #6 OR estaban.
9. good
10. again, like #2, #4, #6, #8. Just remember that as the speaker YOU alone can select and justify Preterit, rather than Imperfect!


Thanks for the answers

Yes, you have correctly filled in the blanks with the preterite forms of the verbs "ir" and "estar" in the given conversation.

Here are the correct preterite forms of the verbs "ir" and "estar" to complete the conversation:

Claudia y yo fuimos a comprar sellos; estuvimos en el correo por quince minutos.

Elías fue a cobrar un cheque; estuvo en el banco por veinte minutos.

Irene y Marcos fueron a comprar unos patines nuevos; estuvieron en la tienda de equipo deportivo por una hora.

Uds. fueron a devolver los libros; estuvieron en la biblioteca por una hora y media.

Yo fui a comprar jabón; estuve en el supermercado por media hora.