How do I Generate a set of test inputs and expected results for the Currency Conversion program.

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To generate a set of test inputs and expected results for the Currency Conversion program, follow these steps:

1. Understand the program requirements: Familiarize yourself with the Currency Conversion program's functionality and expected behavior. This will help identify the various input scenarios that need to be tested.

2. Identify different input scenarios: Determine the different types of test inputs the program should handle. For a Currency Conversion program, some possible scenarios could include:
- Converting from one currency to another (e.g., USD to EUR, GBP to JPY)
- Converting from a currency to itself (e.g., USD to USD)
- Converting amounts with decimal fractions (e.g., 1.50 USD to EUR)
- Converting with high currency values (e.g., 1,000,000 USD to EUR)
- Converting with low currency values (e.g., 0.01 USD to EUR)

3. Create test cases: Based on the identified input scenarios, create specific test cases. Each test case should consist of:
- The input value(s): Provide input values in the appropriate format (e.g., currency codes, amounts).
- The expected output: Determine the expected result of the conversion for each test case.

For example, a test case could be:
- Input: 100 USD to EUR
- Expected output: 85.21 EUR

4. Validate the expected results: Verify the expected results for each test case manually. You can use a reliable online currency converter or reference exchange rates to cross-check the conversion calculations.

5. Organize and document: Maintain a well-organized document or spreadsheet to record all the test cases, including the input values and expected results. This will serve as a test plan and can be used for future reference or shared with others.

6. Automate if possible: If the Currency Conversion program allows for automation, consider creating automated tests using a testing framework or scripting language to automate the execution of multiple test cases.

By following these steps, you can generate a comprehensive set of test inputs and expected results for the Currency Conversion program. Remember to consider edge cases, exceptional scenarios, and any specific requirements outlined in the program's specifications.