what is marginalized population?

I am to write what the marginalized population a scenario that is given and I am not understanding what is exactly being asked could someone explain?

Here is a source.,+definition&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=3&gl=us&ie=UTF-8

Defining Marginalized

A marginalized population is a group that experiences systemic discrimination or unequal access to power and resources in society
Systemic discrimination = widespread practices, laws or attitudes which are viewed as neutral and sometimes acceptable but establish inequality and disadvantage for certain groups of people in society.

Thank you so much

To understand what a marginalized population is, let's break it down.

"Marginalized" refers to a group of people who are pushed to the outskirts or periphery of society, often experiencing social, economic, or political disadvantages. These disadvantages stem from various factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status.

A "population" refers to a particular group of individuals who share certain characteristics or experiences.

In the case of your scenario, you need to identify and describe a marginalized population. To do this, consider who might face social, economic, or political disadvantages in society. For example, you could explore the experiences of refugees, the homeless, people with disabilities, racial or ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, or individuals living in poverty.

Once you choose a marginalized population, you can provide a scenario or situation that highlights the challenges faced by this group. This could include discrimination, limited access to resources, unequal opportunities, or barriers to social inclusion.

Remember to approach the topic with empathy and ensure that your scenario accurately reflects the experiences of the marginalized population you have chosen.