You are going to take a quiz. I'll distribute exam papers. You should write down the answers. Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions.

Take one and pass the others to the other students. First write down your number and name on the top of the paper. You have 3 minutes left. OK, everybody. Let's check the answers. I'll write down the answers on the blackboard. Check them. How many students got 10 points? Raise your hands if you have written down all the correct answers. OK. 10 students. Good job.
When we make them take a test, we can use the above expressions. Would you check them,please? If there are not suitable expressions, correct them, please.

All sound correct except for one sequence.

If you are going to have students take a quiz, then you will be distributing the quizzes, not the exams.

Otherwise ... fine!

When administering a test, you can use the following expressions:

1. "Take one and pass the others to the other students." This is a clear instruction for students to take one exam paper and distribute the remaining papers to the rest of the class.

2. "First write down your number and name on the top of the paper." This is a prompt for students to enter their assigned number and name at the beginning of the exam paper.

3. "You have 3 minutes left." This statement informs students about the remaining time they have to complete the exam.

4. "OK, everybody. Let's check the answers." This phrase signals the end of the exam and denotes that it's time to review the answers.

5. "I'll write down the answers on the blackboard. Check them." This instructs students to compare their answers with the ones provided by the teacher, which will be written on the blackboard.

6. "How many students got 10 points?" This question asks for the number of students who achieved perfect scores on the exam.

7. "Raise your hands if you have written down all the correct answers." This prompts students who believe they have answered all the questions correctly to raise their hands.

8. "OK. 10 students. Good job." This statement acknowledges the number of students who raised their hands and praises them for their performance.

These expressions are suitable for conducting a test and analyzing the results. They provide clear instructions and facilitate effective communication between the teacher and students.