i need a review sheet for grade 7 french... the units were: la meteo, la famille and le ecole

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. We would need to know the name, publisher of your textbook. Most good textbooks have a workbook that goes with the series. Otherwise we have no idea what you need = grammar, vocabulary, etc.


Manuel d'accompagnement, beginning level 1, alberta learning 2004

To create a review sheet for grade 7 French, covering the units "la météo" (weather), "la famille" (family), and "l'école" (school), follow these steps:

1. Start by gathering your class notes, textbooks, worksheets, and any other resources you have related to these units. This will help you review the key vocabulary, grammar concepts, and phrases you have learned.

2. Divide your review sheet into three sections, one for each unit: "la météo," "la famille," and "l'école." This will help you organize and focus your review.

For each section, follow these steps:

3. Begin with vocabulary: List and define the key vocabulary words related to each unit. For example, for "la météo," include words like "soleil" (sun), "pluie" (rain), "neige" (snow), "vent" (wind), etc. Use your resources to ensure you include all the necessary words.

4. Move on to grammar concepts: Review the grammar concepts you have learned in each unit. For example, for "la famille," include concepts like possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, etc.), family relationships (parents, siblings, etc.), and describing family members (physically and personality traits).

5. Include sample sentences: Create sample sentences using the vocabulary and grammar concepts for each unit. This will help you practice using the language correctly. For example, for "l'école," include sentences like "Je vais à l'école tous les jours" (I go to school every day) or "J'aime étudier les mathématiques" (I like studying mathematics).

6. Practice exercises: Include some exercises or questions related to each unit to test your understanding. You can create fill-in-the-blank sentences, matching exercises, or multiple-choice questions. Use your resources to create appropriate exercises.

7. Add some additional review activities: Consider including additional review activities like crosswords, word searches, or flashcard exercises. These can provide a fun and interactive way to reinforce your knowledge.

8. Review your review sheet: Once you have finished creating your review sheet, go through it and test yourself. Make sure you can answer all the questions, complete the exercises, and understand the vocabulary and grammar concepts.

By following these steps, you will be able to create a comprehensive review sheet for grade 7 French, covering the units "la météo," "la famille," and "l'école." Remember to use your resources and ask for help if you encounter any difficulties. Good luck with your review!