4. If you find a web site that you wish to visit frequently, you should??

a. assign it a web address,
b. create a book mark,
c. create a hyperlink.,
d. set up a special folder for it

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b. create a bookmark.

To create a bookmark for a website you wish to visit frequently, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari).
2. Navigate to the website you want to bookmark by typing the web address (URL) in the address bar and pressing Enter.
3. Once you are on the website, click on the "Bookmarks" or "Favorites" option in the menu bar at the top of the browser window.
4. In the dropdown menu, select "Bookmark this page" or a similar option.
5. A small window or dialog box will appear where you can edit the bookmark's name. You can choose to keep the default name or modify it to something more descriptive.
6. Choose the location where you want to save the bookmark. You can select an existing folder or create a new one to organize your bookmarks.
7. After selecting the appropriate location, click on the "Save" or "Add" button.

Once saved, the bookmark will be added to your bookmarks bar or the designated folder. To access the bookmarked website in the future, you can simply click on the bookmarked link instead of typing the web address each time.