I have questions about pronominal verbs, let say "se arreter". Je m'arrete means I stop right? But does j'arrete also mean I stop? So why would you use pronominal?

je m'arrete means i stop myself

j'arrete means i stop or i am stopping

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. "s'arrêter" as a reflexive verb is a transitive verb; that means it takes an object and in this case it is the reflexive pronoun. It means "I stop myself."

"arrêter" is a transitive verb and must have an object. I stop/I DO stop/I AM stoppING.......but then you must say WHAT you stop = the car, my brother, etc.

Many verbs can be pronominal but often the meaning changes quite a bit. Examples: lever = to lift/raise BUT se lever = to get oneself up / laver = to wash (something) BUT se laver = to get oneself washed/get washed


Yes, you are correct that "Je m'arrête" means "I stop" in French. However, "J'arrête" without the reflexive pronoun "me" can also mean "I stop." The difference lies in the emphasis and in some cases, the level of formality.

When you use a pronominal verb like "se arrêter," you are emphasizing that the action is being done by oneself. Using the reflexive pronoun "me" indicates that the subject is both the one performing the action and the one receiving the action.

So, while both "Je m'arrête" and "J'arrête" can translate to "I stop," the former carries a stronger emphasis on the personal involvement of the subject in the action. It can imply a more deliberate or conscious decision to stop.

The reflexive pronoun is often used in pronominal verbs to express actions that involve the subject directly or that are done to oneself. In the case of "se arrêter," it signifies stopping oneself rather than something or someone else.

It's important to note that not all verbs in French have a pronominal form, and not all pronominal verbs have an equivalent non-pronominal form.