Could someone please tell me if I got the following problems correct?

1. 7+(-9)+(-5)+6 = -1

2. |-27+14|= -13

3. |-8|+|2|=|-3+2| is this statement true or false? I said false

4. Jean deposited a check for $625, wrote two for $68.74 and
$29.95 and used her debit card to pay for a purchase of $57.65. How has her
account balance changed I got $429.87. That is what the balance would be after the checks and the debit, but I am not sure if that is what they are asking for.

48. -3.4-(-7.6)= 4.2

Thank you so much!

#2 is wrong

= │-13│
= 13 (the absolute value of a number cannot be negative)

check your arithmetic in #4

625 - 68.74 - 29.95 - 57.65 = ???

Sure! I'll guide you through each problem and explain how to get the correct answer.

1. To solve the first problem, simply add the numbers together:
7 + (-9) + (-5) + 6 = -1
The sum of the numbers is indeed -1, so your answer is correct.

2. In the second problem, you have an absolute value expression. The vertical bars around a number indicate its absolute value, which means the distance of the number from zero without considering its sign. To solve the problem:
|-27 + 14| = -13
Calculate the result inside the absolute value:
|-13| = 13
The absolute value of -13 is 13, not -13. So, your answer is incorrect. The correct result should be 13, not -13.

3. In the third problem, you have to compare two absolute value expressions. To determine if the statement is true, you need to evaluate both sides of the equation and compare them:
Left side: |-8| + |2| = 8 + 2 = 10
Right side: |-3 + 2| = |-1| = 1
Since 10 does not equal 1, the statement is false. Therefore, you also answered correctly.

4. In the fourth problem, you are calculating how Jean's account balance has changed. The initial account balance is not mentioned, so we'll start with $0 as the initial balance. Here are the steps to find the new balance:
Initial balance: $0
Deposit: +$625
Checks: -$68.74 - $29.95
Debit card purchase: -$57.65
To find the new balance, subtract the total spent from the initial balance:
New balance = $0 + $625 - $68.74 - $29.95 - $57.65 = $468.66
So, the correct answer is $468.66, not $429.87.

5. Finally, let's solve the last problem:
-3.4 - (-7.6) = 4.2
This expression involves subtracting a negative number, which is equivalent to adding the positive value:
-3.4 + 7.6 = 4.2
The sum is indeed 4.2, so your answer is correct.

In summary, you got two out of the five problems correct. Congratulations! Keep practicing and verifying your responses to improve your accuracy.