when is abbreviations acceptable? who should use them and why?

Abbreviations should only be used when the intended audience is thoroughly familiar with them. Reports to the patients should not contain abbreviations.

okay- but can this pratice increase serious errors, thus cause medical harm

Yes, using abbreviations can cause serious harm if they are misinterpreted. Abbreviations on billings for insurance companies may be o.k., though.

Thank you Sue. Have a great evening

Abbreviations are acceptable in various contexts, depending on the situation and the audience. Here are some guidelines on when and who should use them:

1. Formal Writing: In formal writing, such as academic papers, business reports, or official documents, it is generally advisable to avoid excessive use of abbreviations. Instead, spell out the entire term or phrase to ensure clarity and avoid any confusion for the readers.

2. Informal Writing: In informal writing, like emails, text messages, or social media posts, using common and widely understood abbreviations can be acceptable. However, it's essential to consider the context and audience to avoid miscommunication.

3. Technical Language: Abbreviations are commonly used in technical fields such as medicine, engineering, or computer science. Experts within these fields are generally familiar with relevant abbreviations and acronyms. Still, it's important to remember that not everyone may be aware of the specific terms, so it's crucial to provide explanations or context when necessary.

4. Industry-specific Jargon: Certain industries or professions have their own set of abbreviations and acronyms that are widely recognized and commonly used. In these contexts, individuals within that industry or profession should be familiar with the abbreviations and can use them appropriately.

When using abbreviations, it is essential to consider your audience. If the readers are likely to be familiar with the abbreviations, or if they are fellow professionals within the same field, then using abbreviations can save space and improve efficiency. However, if the audience is diverse or may not be familiar with the abbreviations, it is best to use them sparingly or provide explanations to ensure clear communication.