18. Of the following points of view, which one gives a reader the most insight into the minds of

the characters?
A. First-person major participant
B. First-person reporting
C. Third-person dramatic
D. Third-person unrestricted omniscient
19. Of what nationality are the people in Marie’s family?
A. Irish C. Swedish
B. Bohemian D. Mexican
20. The name of Alexandra’s niece is
A. Annie. C. Nellie.
B. Signa. D. Milly.

Again, to which work are you referring now?

Tyree, we will not do your homework for you. Obviously, your teacher would like to know what YOU have learned. We will happily give you suggestions after you have done the work.

To find the answers to these questions about literary perspectives and character details, you can follow the steps below:

18. To determine which point of view gives readers the most insight into the minds of characters, consider the characteristics of each option:

A. First-person major participant: This point of view is narrated by a central character who is directly involved in the story events. It provides the reader with a deep understanding of that character's thoughts, feelings, and perspective.

B. First-person reporting: This point of view is narrated by a character who is observing and reporting on the story events. While it offers some insight into the character's thoughts, it may not delve as deeply into their emotions and motivations.

C. Third-person dramatic: This point of view is narrated by an external observer who presents the story without entering the minds of the characters. It offers a more objective perspective, but the reader may not have direct access to the characters' thoughts.

D. Third-person unrestricted omniscient: This point of view allows the narrator to access the thoughts and experiences of multiple characters, providing the reader with a comprehensive understanding of their minds.

Based on these descriptions, option D, Third-person unrestricted omniscient, seems to offer the most insight into the minds of the characters, as it allows the reader to access their thoughts and experiences. Therefore, option D is the most likely correct answer.

19. The question asks for the nationality of the people in Marie's family. To find the answer, you need to look for clues about Marie's family's nationality in the text. You might search for passages that mention their heritage or cultural background. Check for names, cultural references, or any other information that hints at their nationality.

20. To determine the name of Alexandra's niece, you should carefully read the given text and look for any mentions of Alexandra's niece. Be attentive to any indications, descriptions, or conversations that refer to the niece. Look for specific passages or dialogues where the name might be mentioned, and check for any consistent name association with Alexandra's niece.

By following these steps and thoroughly analyzing the provided text, you should be able to find the answers to questions 19 and 20.