11. How many years were Joe and Louisa engaged?

A. 7 C. 20
B. 15 D. 22
12. Which of the following stories is an allegory?
A. “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”
B. “Bartleby”
C. “The Yellow Wallpaper”
D. “The Tell-Tale Heart”
13. “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” is ironic because
A. the South lost the war.
B. the bridge burns anyway.
C. the narrative interrupts with a flashback of Farquhar’s previous life.
D. what we think is happening actually isn’t.
14. “Bartleby” was written from the _______ point of view.
A. limited omniscient
B. dramatic/objective
C. omniscient
D. first-person
15. Louisa’s reaction to Joe’s return is one of
A. excitement. C. relief.
B. romance. D. consternation.
16. Which one of the following incidents is an example of exposition?
A. The woman tearing off the wallpaper
B. Bartleby’s death
C. The narrator hiring Bartleby
D. The breaking-off of Louisa and Joe’s engagement
17. Where does Bartleby die?
A. In prison
B. In the Dead Letter Office
C. On the street outside the narrator’s previous office
D. In the narrator’s arms
18. The resolution in “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” occurs when
A. Farquhar is tricked by the visitor.
B. Farquhar’s body swings gently beneath the bridge.
C. Farquhar escapes the flying bullets and reaches the bank.
D. Farquhar’s wife steps from the veranda smiling joyfully.

How many years were Joe and Louisa engaged?


11. To determine how many years Joe and Louisa were engaged, we need to look for the information in the given text or source. The answer choices are 7, 15, 20, and 22. The best way to find the answer is to locate the specific passage that mentions the duration of their engagement. By reading through the text carefully, you will likely come across a sentence or paragraph that mentions the length of time Joe and Louisa were engaged. Once you find this information, you can count the number of years mentioned to determine the answer.

12. To identify which of the given stories is an allegory, it is important to understand what an allegory is. An allegory is a literary device in which events, characters, or objects symbolically represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. To determine which story fits this definition, it is necessary to read or analyze each story and look for elements that suggest symbolic representation. After reading or analyzing each story, you can compare the characteristics and events of each story to the definition of an allegory to find the appropriate answer.

13. To understand why "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" is ironic, it is crucial to identify the elements or events in the story that create this irony. By reading or analyzing the story, you should be able to identify moments of irony that contrast the reader's expectations or assumptions. Look for events or actions that go against the expected outcome or surprise the reader in some way. Once you have identified these ironic moments, compare them to the answer choices provided to select the most accurate option.

14. To determine the point of view from which "Bartleby" is written, it is essential to understand the different types of point of view and how they are used in literature. The options provided are limited omniscient, dramatic/objective, omniscient, and first-person. To identify the appropriate point of view, read or analyze the story and pay attention to the narrative voice and perspective. Look for cues that indicate who is telling the story and whether they have access to the thoughts and feelings of all characters. Once you have determined the narrative perspective, compare it to the answer choices to select the most accurate option.

15. To identify Louisa's reaction to Joe's return, you need to locate the passage or section in the text that describes her response. Read or analyze the relevant portion carefully, paying attention to the descriptions of Louisa's emotions, words, or actions. Look for clues that indicate her state of mind or feelings toward Joe's return. Once you have gathered this information, compare it to the answer choices provided to select the most appropriate option.

16. To identify the incident in the given options that is an example of exposition, it is necessary to know what exposition means in the context of storytelling. Exposition refers to the introductory information or background details provided at the beginning of a narrative. To find the appropriate incident, read or analyze the story and look for a scene or event that provides important background information or introduces the main characters or setting. Once you have identified this incident, compare it to the answer choices to select the most accurate option.

17. To determine where Bartleby dies, you need to locate the relevant section or passage in the text that describes the location of his death. By carefully reading or analyzing the story, you should come across a description of the events leading to Bartleby's death and the specific place where it occurs. Once you have identified this information, compare it to the answer choices provided to select the most appropriate option.

18. To identify the resolution in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," it is crucial to understand what the resolution means in the context of a story. The resolution refers to the point in the plot where the conflict is resolved or concluded. To find the appropriate resolution, read or analyze the story and identify the events or actions that bring the narrative to a close or provide a final outcome for the characters. Once you have identified this point, compare it to the answer choices provided to select the most accurate option.