1. The label horror story is an example of

A. a character study. C. a genre.
B. informational reading. D. a universal truth.
2. In “The Tell-Tale Heart,” the point at which the narrator feels
forced to confess is the
A. exposition. C. resolution.
B. rising action. D. climax.
3. In “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,”Washington Irving says
Ichabod Crane’s voice “resounded far above all the rest of his
congregation.” This statement is an example of Ichabod’s
A. leanness. C. vanity.
B. strictness. D. superstition.

Again, please try the posts above this before you again ask questions you can not answer.

1. The label horror story is an example of C. a genre.

To determine the answer, you need to understand what a genre is. A genre is a category or type of literature or other artistic works that share similar characteristics. In this case, the label "horror story" represents a specific category or genre of storytelling that is characterized by elements of fear, suspense, and terror. Therefore, the correct answer is C, a genre.

2. In "The Tell-Tale Heart," the point at which the narrator feels forced to confess is the D. climax.

To find the answer, you need to understand the elements of plot structure. The plot typically consists of five parts: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The climax is the highest point of tension or conflict in a story when the protagonist faces a crucial decision or makes a significant discovery. In "The Tell-Tale Heart," the climax occurs when the narrator, overwhelmed by his guilt, finally confesses to the murder he committed. Therefore, the correct answer is D, climax.

3. In "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," Washington Irving says Ichabod Crane’s voice “resounded far above all the rest of his congregation.” This statement is an example of Ichabod’s C. vanity.

To determine the answer, you need to analyze the given statement in the context of Ichabod Crane's character. Vanity refers to excessive pride or self-admiration. In this sentence, Irving is highlighting how Ichabod Crane's voice stands out among his congregation, suggesting that he takes pride in his own voice and wants to be noticed. Therefore, the correct answer is C, vanity.