
a. Interest in English class
b. Interest according to each skill
c. The most difficult part among 4 skills
d. Interest in the most important part among 4 skills
e. Studying English after school
f. Understanding in the classroom
g. Study materials (all)
h. The use of study materials
i. View on the process of English class
j. Favorite type of activities

Are they suitable for the titles of questionnaire


English - Writeacher, Monday, June 2, 2008 at 9:30pm

I'm not sure what you mean. You're looking for ONE that will serve as a title for a whole questionnaire? Or are these intended to be sections of questions in the questionnaire?
I'd like to know whether the titles are grammatical or not.

The topics are grammatical but b,c and d don't make much sense as titles unless you say what the "4 skills" are.

How are (g) and (h) different?

To determine whether the titles of the questionnaire are grammatical or not, we need to analyze each title separately.

a. Interest in English class - This title is grammatically correct. It asks for the level of interest a person has in their English class.

b. Interest according to each skill - This title is also grammatically correct. It asks for the level of interest a person has in each specific skill related to English.

c. The most difficult part among 4 skills - This title is grammatically correct. It asks which of the four skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) is considered the most difficult.

d. Interest in the most important part among 4 skills - This title is grammatically correct. It asks for the level of interest a person has in the skill considered the most important among the four skills.

e. Studying English after school - This title is grammatically correct. It asks if the person studies English after school hours.

f. Understanding in the classroom - This title is grammatically correct. It asks about the level of understanding the person has in the classroom.

g. Study materials (all) - This title is grammatically correct. It refers to all study materials related to English.

h. The use of study materials - This title is grammatically correct. It asks about how the person uses study materials related to English.

i. View on the process of English class - This title is grammatically correct. It asks for the person's perception of the process or structure of the English class.

j. Favorite type of activities - This title is grammatically correct. It asks about the person's preferred type of activities related to learning English.

In summary, all the titles of the questionnaire are grammatically correct.