what color are the coolest stars in the galaxy

To the eye, they appear red, but most radiation is emitted in the infrared.

mercury is what planet from the sun

Mercury is the closet planet to the sun.

The color of stars can provide us with information about their temperature. Cooler stars tend to have a reddish color, while hotter stars tend to have a bluish or white color.

To determine the color of the coolest stars in the galaxy, we first need to understand the temperature ranges of stars. The temperature of stars is typically measured using a system called the Kelvin scale.

On this scale:
- Red stars have temperatures ranging from about 2,600 to 3,500 Kelvin.
- Yellow stars have temperatures ranging from about 5,000 to 6,000 Kelvin.
- White stars have temperatures ranging from about 7,000 to 10,000 Kelvin.
- Blue stars have temperatures above 10,000 Kelvin.

So, if we consider the coolest stars in the galaxy, they would fall into the red color category.

However, it's important to note that there is a wide range of temperatures and colors among stars, and the distribution of different-colored stars in the galaxy is not uniform. Additionally, there might be other factors at play, such as the presence of interstellar dust, which can affect the apparent color of stars.