ok i cant bare to see pictures of spiders, i have very high arachnipobia, so can soemone plz tell me how the arachnid digestive system works? and plz no pictures.

It's hard to find a site for students without pictures. I hope this site doesn't gross you out.


Sure, I'd be happy to explain the basic workings of the arachnid digestive system to you without including any pictures.

Arachnids, such as spiders, have a relatively simple digestive system compared to other animals. Here's how it generally works:

1. Feeding: Spiders catch their prey using various methods, such as building webs or hunting. Once caught, they inject venom into their prey to immobilize it, and sometimes to begin the digestion process externally.

2. External Digestion: Once the prey is immobilized, spiders produce digestive enzymes and inject them into their prey's body. These enzymes break down the prey's internal tissues, turning them into a liquid form which the spider can then consume.

3. Internal Digestion: After external digestion, the spider's mouthparts, called the chelicerae, suck up the liquefied prey. These mouthparts contain tiny projections that help ingest the liquid food into the spider's gut.

4. Digestive System: The spider's gut consists of several sections, including the foregut, midgut, and hindgut. The foregut, or "stomach," is where the actual digestion takes place. The midgut absorbs the nutrients from the digested food, while the hindgut deals with waste removal.

5. Nutrient Absorption: The inner lining of the midgut is responsible for absorbing the nutrients from the digested liquid. This is where the spider extracts the necessary energy and essential nutrients for its survival.

6. Waste Elimination: The undigested waste moves through the hindgut, which absorbs water and minerals while compacting the remains into solid waste. Finally, the spider eliminates the waste through its anus.

It's important to note that while these are the general steps of the arachnid digestive system, there can be some variations among different species of spiders. Additionally, spiders have adapted various feeding strategies and may display different behaviors during feeding.

By understanding how the arachnid digestive system works, you can gain some insight into the natural processes involved without having to view any pictures that might trigger your arachnophobia.