What is the balance of trade as to imports and exports?

Which US company exports the most products?

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it did not help at all. Thanks though.

Check this site for the balance of trade.


To find the answer to your first question, "What is the balance of trade as to imports and exports?" we need to understand the concept of balance of trade.

The balance of trade refers to the difference between the value of a country's exports and the value of its imports. If the value of exports exceeds the value of imports, it is called a trade surplus, indicating that the country is exporting more than it is importing. On the other hand, if the value of imports exceeds the value of exports, it is called a trade deficit, indicating that the country is importing more than it is exporting.

Now, to get specific data on the balance of trade as to imports and exports, you can find this information from government bodies such as the United States Census Bureau or international organizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO). These organizations regularly publish trade statistics and provide detailed information on a country's imports and exports. You can access their websites or search for specific reports related to your desired country or region.

Regarding your second question, "Which US company exports the most products?" the answer might change over time due to fluctuations in trade patterns. However, historically, multinational corporations such as Boeing, General Electric, ExxonMobil, and Apple have been recognized as major exporters of products from the United States. These companies have diverse business operations across various sectors, allowing them to export a significant volume of goods globally.

To find the most up-to-date information on which US company currently exports the most products, you can refer to reports published by reputable sources such as the US Department of Commerce, industry-specific associations, or trade publications. Financial news outlets like Bloomberg, Forbes, or CNBC might also provide insights into the top exporting companies at any given time.